When is the deadline for submissions?

Early Submission (with preliminary decision by September): July 31, 2024.

Regular Submission: December 15, 2024.

Do you accept late submissions?

No, we do not. The Regular Submission deadline is the final deadline for submission.

How can I submit my paper?

Please email your submission as an MSWord document, to the editors at [email protected].
For additional information, see Submissions.

How can I contact the editorial staff with questions or comments?

We welcome inquiries, suggestions, and correspondence through by email: [email protected].

What citation format does the journal use?

We require submissions utilize Chicago style for all citations and works cited. For more information, see the Chicago Manual of Style Online.

If I revise my paper or do additional research, am I guaranteed publication?

No paper is guaranteed publication until the entire editorial process has been completed and the Editor-in-chief has made the final decision. Papers are anonymously reviewed by both the student editorial board and two faculty members of Appalachian State University. We may request multiple revisions of papers that are selected for publication.

How much time is allotted for revisions?

Authors may spend up to two weeks to complete requested revisions. This process may take place more than once.

Do I have to be an undergraduate student at a college or university in order to submit?

Yes, we only accept papers from undergraduate students who were attending a bachelor's degree-granting institution during either winter, spring, or fall semester/quarter of the calendar year before the journal's next publication date. (For example, for the May 2024 issue, we accept a paper or senior thesis completed for a course or your degree during either the winter 2023, spring 2023, or fall 2023 semester/quarter.) Please include on the title page of your submission the date on which your paper was submitted for a grade (whether as coursework or as a senior thesis).

If I have already graduated, can I submit a paper that I wrote as an undergraduate?

Yes, but only if you graduated in either spring or fall semester of the calendar year immediately preceding the journal's next publication date. (see above)

If I graduate in December, can I still submit a paper?

Yes, if you graduate in the fall semester of the calendar year immediately preceding the journal's next publication date. (see above)

How long do papers have to be?

We accept research papers with lengths between 10 and 50 double-spaced pages. If your senior thesis exceeds the 50-page limit, we will certainly review your submission. Note, though, that we may ask an author to edit their accepted paper for length.

How many sources should I have?

This is a scholarly journal. While there is no exact source requirement, a good history paper requires enough sources (especially primary sources) to support your thesis. If we believe your submission does not include sufficient evidence to support your argument, your paper will likely not be selected.

Can I submit more than one paper?

We only accept one submission per author for each publication.

Are you looking for papers that cover specific topics or time periods?

No, we welcome historical research from all fields, from all eras, and from any region of the world.

What is the Chicago Manual of Style?

It is the gold standard for formatting and citing in historical research papers. For more information, please visit the Chicago Manual of Style Online or consult a hard copy at your library.

Who publishes History Matters?

The journal is published by the Appalachian State Universiy Department of History.

Is History Matters edited by students or professors?

Most of the editorial work is comipleted by undergraduate students. The Faculty Editorial Board provides valuable input and helps the journal maintain rigorous academic standards. However, all final publication decisions are made by the Editor-in-chief, who is an undergraduate history major.

Are you affiliated with other "History Matters" websites?

No, we are not. Some other websites use "History Matters" either in their title or their purpose, but we are an independently run journal. Our full name is History Matters: An Undergraduate Journal of Historical Research.