
There are two deadlines for our next volume:

The Early Submission deadline is July 31, 2024.

Research papers submitted by this deadline will receive a preliminary decision by September.

The Regular Submission deadline is December 15, 2024.


History Matters welcomes submission of historical research from all undergraduate students who were attending a bachelor's degree-granting institution during either winter, spring, or fall semester/quarter of the calendar year before the journal's next publication date. (For example, for the May 2025 issue, we accept a paper or senior thesis completed for a course or your degree during either the winter 2024, spring 2024, or fall 2024 semester/quarter.)

Please follow the following guidelines when submitting papers:

  • All research papers and senior theses should be submitted by email as MSWord documents to [email protected].
  • Our standard limit for submissions is 50 pages, double-spaced. Footnotes or endnotes should be single-spaced. However, if your senior thesis exceeds the 50-page limit, we will certainly review your submission. Note, though, that we may ask an author to edit their accepted paper for length.
  • All papers must include footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography listing both primary and secondary sources. These must conform to the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
  • We ask each author to include a cover page detailing their name, university affiliation, email address, current mailing address, and phone number. To ensure anonymous review, such identifying information must not appear on any other page of your submission (including  headers and footers). The cover page does not count toward the page limit.
  • Only one submission per student will be reviewed.
  • We do not accept papers either already published or previously submitted to this journal.
  • Note that a request for revision does not guarantee publication.
  • If the research paper you submit to History Matters is accepted for publication in another journal, please let us know.

Please see the FAQ for further information. The editors welcome any questions at [email protected].