History Matters - An Undergraduate Journal of Historical Research (Appalachian State University)

About the Journal

The Spring 2024 issue of History Matters is now available online!

We will accept submissions for the Spring 2025 issue until December 15, 2024.

History Matters is an undergraduate history journal published annually on this website by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is edited by undergraduates with the help of a faculty board. Please see FAQs for more information.

At History Matters, our goal is to publish the best undergraduate historical research possible. In doing so, we would like to provide an opportunity for top undergraduates from a variety of schools to be recognized for their work, become familiar with the publishing process, and engage in student-faculty collaboration.

Our logo is a bristlecone pine tree, drawn by Sarah Hancock from the University of North Carolina—Asheville. Bristlecone pines, which can be found in California, Colorado, and Utah, are generally considered the world's oldest living organisms. Some are even as ancient as recorded human history.

History Matters is now a part of EBSCOhost Discovery Service! Check us out on ESBCOhost's America: History and Life.

Published by the Department of History at Appalachian State University ISSN: 1934-4651

Current Issue

Vol. 21 (2024): History Matters - Spring 2024

Volume 21 of History Matters: An Undergraduate Journal of Historical Research was published online in May 2024 by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. After extensive peer review, four research papers were selected for publication.

Editor-in-chief: David Roberts; Associate Editor: Elliot Sheehan; Assistant Editors: Ashley Blanchard, Caitlain McGuire, Mason Smith.

Published: 2024-05-26
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