Peer Review Process

The Journal of Developmental Education uses a double-blind review process, where neither the names of the author(s) or reviewers are allowed to be revealed for a manuscript under review. Manuscripts are assigned an identifier and sent to at least two reviewers, who are also assigned an identifier and provided with a deadline to complete the review. Each reviewer reads, rates, and recommends an action. We aim to complete the manuscript review process in within 3 months. However, additional time is needed should the manuscript require revision and to move accepted manuscripts through the remainder of the publication process.

Submission Evaluation For Research Papers and Research Briefs

Manuscripts are evaluated using a Likert scale of 1 (very weak) to 5 (very strong). Additionally, reviewers are required to provide a detail explanation for each criterion and ranking. Each submission, regardless of manuscript type, is evaluated on the following criteria.

Significance: Does the topic add to current literature? Does it present a new model, theory, intervention, strategy, or practice? Is the topic currently of high interest to the field?

Development of Topic: Is the topic well-developed? Does the author provide more than a surface-level opinion?  Does the manuscript identify and focus on a main idea or research question? Are the ideas communicated in a logical and understandable manner?

Research/Theoretical Base: Are the statements supported by research? Does the manuscript include recent and varied citations? Is the research grounded in an appropriate theory?

Research Design: Does the manuscript reflect appropriate design and methodology?

Discussion and Implications: Does the discussion and implications/recommendations highlight the relevance of the findings for research, policy, or practice?

Usefulness: Does the information presented have practical application for JDE readers (practitioners, researchers, graduate students)? Readers may include those who work in and outside of developmental education.

Organization: Is the manuscript organized logically? Does the author utilize appropriate headings and transitions?


Manuscripts are initially evaluated by the Editor-In- Chief to identify if a manuscript meets the requirements for review. In some cases, a manuscript may be desk rejected at the discretion of the EIC. Reasons a manuscript may be desk rejected include:

  1. The article is outside the scope of the journal
  2. The article is missing substantial sections
  3. The article is outside of the parameters of the manuscript type selected for consideration
  4. The article does not appear interesting enough to consider (Such as articles that do not add a new or original perspective to well-studied topics)
  5. There appears to be legal or ethical issues (perhaps there is a possibility of libel within the article, or plagiarism)

After each manuscript is reviewed and evaluated according to the journal’s criteria, reviewers and associate editors recommend an action. These recommendations are only for manuscripts that have made it through the full review process and were not desk rejected.

Accept with no revisions: The recommendation is to accept the current manuscript with no revisions. Manuscripts accepted with no revision may be recommended as either high priority or as space as allows.

Revise and Resubmit: There are three options that can be recommended for a manuscript identified as revise and resubmit. A supplemental recommendation can be provided to indicate if the manuscript’s topic is of significant or marginal importance.

Option 1: Revisions needed are relatively minor and can be evaluated in-house (editor or associate editor). If revised, the probability of acceptance is high.

Option 2: Revisions needed are substantial and need to be re-evaluated by the original reviewers. If revised, the probability of acceptance is fair to good.

Option 3: Revisions needed are a major undertaking and need to be re-evaluated by the original reviewers. There is a high degree of uncertainty concerning acceptance.

Reject: There are two options that can be recommended for a manuscript that needs to be rejected.

Option 1: Reject manuscript in its current form but encourage resubmission of a materially different version.

Option 2: Reject manuscript and do not encourage resubmission.