As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
You have prepared a cover letter to the editor that is a separate document from the blinded manuscript.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition).
All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the body of the manuscript. Do not put tables, figures, and illustrations in a separate file.
The manuscript has been thoroughly proofread for errors in spelling, grammar, and syntax.
The blinded manuscript has redacted all identifying information associated with authors of the paper.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) for all necessary references have been provided.
Files hav been saved as a Microsoft (MS) Word document.
The abstract is limited to 150 words and adheres to an unstructured format.
Author Guidelines
Preparing Your Paper
We handle all manuscript submissions and reviews through our web-based OJS system. Authors may use this system to submit manuscripts and track progress through all stages of the review process.
Authors should not submit manuscripts under consideration by another publication. The corresponding author must affirm the non-duplication of submission in the cover letter.
Unless noted differently below, follow the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for reference style and general guidelines. We follow the 7th Edition of the APA Manual. For those authors accustomed to the APA 6th Edition manual, we recommend learning about changes between the manuals here.
An initial cover letter should be submitted with your paper that briefly summarizes the paper and discusses why you believe your paper would be a good fit within the journal's aims and scope. Additionally, the cover letter should include the word count of your submission as well as a statement affirming your manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere.
Other Formatting Considerations
Manuscripts must be clear, concise, and engaging with a well-organized development of ideas. All submissions should have an 8.5x11" layout with 1-inch margins, be double-spaced (including references), use 12-point Times New Roman font, and with page numbers in the top right corner. Please make sure to indent paragraphs. Block quotations of 40 words or more should be double-spaced.
Lengthy quotations (a total of 300 or more words from one source) require written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction. The adaptation of tables and figures also requires such approval. The author is responsible for securing such authorization. A copy of the publisher's written permission must be provided to the JTSE editor immediately upon acceptance of the article for publication.
Masking Your Manuscript
Manuscripts sent out for review using a double blinded review process, where authors and reviewers do not know one another. To facilitate this process, we ask authors to mask their manuscripts appropriately, meaning the submission does not contain clues to the identity of the author(s) or institutional affiliation(s). The manuscript title should not be one that connects the author to their previous work; a Google search will help you identify potential links between your proposed title and past works. Authors should also mask references and citations in the manuscript that allude to their work. The following are examples of citations that should be masked:
Self-citation that are “in press” or “under review”
Example: June (in press)
Should be: Author (in press)
Self-referential citations that reveal author identity
Example: In my own work, I have found that authors appropriately mask their submissions more often than not (Thrill, 2019).
Should be rephrased so the self-referential component is removed: Author (2019) found that authors appropriately mask their submissions more often than not.
Institution Name (most often the case in the methods section)
Example: We conducted the study at the University of the West.
Study sites could be described using institutional characteristics without an institutional pseudonym: We conducted the study at a large, Midwestern university.
Study sites could also be given an institutional pseudonym: We conducted the study at State University, a large university located in the Midwestern United States.
References to institution-specific documents
Please mask these as Institutional Document Masked for Review.
When adding masked citations to your reference list, please make sure to placed masked citations in alphabetical order per their masked version. For instance, a masked citation in-text of Author (2019) or Author (in press) should appear with the other A’s in the reference list, not in the place where it should be when unmasked. If your manuscript is selected for publication, these components will get corrected at the copyright and acceptance phase.
Note that authors should use their best judgment in this process while knowing the editorial team will complete an initial standards check for these issues.
Finally, please make sure to not include any institutional proxy links in your reference list. Often, these links are not necessary for APA citational purposes and reveal one or more authors’ institutional affiliation. Authors should ensure that none of their links reveal any of the authors’ institutional locations.
Manuscript Types
JTSE accepts four types of manuscripts. Please carefully review the categories listed below. Note JTSE publishes issues on an annual basis in the fall, with special issues slated for publication in the spring or summer.
Research Articles
JTSE publishes peer-reviewed original empirical research. Research may employ a variety of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method approaches. Single and multi-institutional studies are encouraged, as well as innovative or provocative approaches to research or the way research is reported.
Research in Progress
JTSE welcomes submissions from early career faculty and graduate students, including masters and doctoral level, wishing to submit preliminary findings from original research. These articles provide research findings and implications for scholars, practitioners, and policy makers.
Practitioner & Theoretical Perspectives
This section offers a platform to discuss the translation of theory to practice. Both scholars and practitioners are welcome to submit thoughtful discussions of critical issues intersecting trauma and education. Through the synthesis of existing scholarship, we seek pieces that translate information into a format useful to educators and policy makers or reflections about successful ways in which research has informed practice. This section may also serve as an outlet for conceptual or theoretical perspectives on the topic of trauma in education.
Book Reviews
These reviews place a book within the scholarly discourse, compare the book to other works in the field, and analyze the author's methodology, interpretations, and conclusions. Due to this amount of engagement with the book, reviews of academic titles may appear two or three years after publication of the book.
Special Issue Articles
Periodically, JTSE will solicit guest editors for submissions proposing special issues centering a current topic relevant to the aims and scope of the journal. Guest editors may choose to directly commission papers from colleagues in the field or they may choose to put out a call for papers. Guest editors will work with the Associate Editor for Special Issues to ensure adherence to timelines, style guidelines, and journal scope.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.