On the Emotional Toll and Tensions of Doing Socioemotional Work in an Urban Setting


  • Jinan ElSabbagh Oklahoma State University


socioemotional learning, emotionality of K -!2 teachers, urban elementary schools, equity, case study


In this critical qualitative case study, I explored the implementation of a P-6 urban elementary school’s SEL program (SEL+). Through analyzing a combination of classroom observations, two in-depth interviews, and artifact collection, this study illuminates two themes: how reflexivity leads to heightened self-awareness among school personnel, the emotional labor that occurs consequently, and secondly, the ongoing challenges teachers and administrators face as they implement SEL praxis (and SEL+) in their schools, including the continued use of deficit-laden language and policing of students’ bodies. The study aims to inform and add to the growing field of SEL in public educational contexts as a way for administrators, educators, and preservice teachers to better serve their students. Attending to SEL’s implications for trauma-informed personnel and their (emotional) needs, it also provides additional significance to the growing work of equity possibilities and limitations within a SEL context. Recommendations for future implementations are also included.


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How to Cite

ElSabbagh, J. (2023). On the Emotional Toll and Tensions of Doing Socioemotional Work in an Urban Setting. Journal of Trauma Studies in Education, 2(2), 64–82. Retrieved from https://journals.library.appstate.edu/index.php/JTSE/article/view/205



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